Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everything is a Project

If there's one lesson to learn early in your career, it's that everything is a project.

Don't believe me? Consider something you need to do:

  • Bake a cake
  • Buy a computer
  • Build a website, marketing program, API, CMS, HRIS, UX, SOA, etc.
Everything is a project, because to accomplish any of these things, we follow these steps:

  1. Break it down into manageable parts
  2. Do each bit in a reasonable time
  3. Ask for help if you get stuck
These easy steps are the foundation of Project Management. Couple that with the Project Triangle (time, resources and work), and you know that:
  • Time marches on
  • Resources are people [, tools or $$$]
  • Work hard, play hard
It's important to remember is that while Work and Resources may grow or shrink, Time, once spent, is gone forever. So, make it work!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Book Review: Julie & Julia

Julie Powell takes on Julia Child, cooking every recipe in the now infamous 1961 cookbook: "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", and blogging it all at The Julie/Julia Project.

You should read Julie & Julia because it has all the best things:
- four basic food groups *
- is set in NYC
- Buffy

* sugar, fat, alcohol and chocolate

Just finished the book, the movie is coming out August 7, and I'm looking forward to seeing it (http://www.julieandjulia.com/).