Thursday, December 18, 2008

Competency...let's use it in a sentence

"In a successful training event, learners gain new competencies."

OK, so "competency" is a big word, but it accurately describes the desired outcome; Learners get something for their time and attention - not just an elusive "huh.." moment, fogotten minutes after the session ends, but an all-out "this rocks!" brain sizzle - an understanding that sticks in the noggin and builds a foundation for new skills.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thoughts About Applications

Applications are more than just the tool you use. Using a word processor is not the same as writing a business plan, and using a spreadsheet is not building a budget.
The typical, mundane, rote tasks we do endlessly on paper or via email can generally be incorporated into an application, i.e. data + automated workflow + access permissions.
When designed well, applications are intuitive to use and meld seamlessly with work processes. Transition to new systems are accomplished in less time and with greater buy-in when applications meet users' needs and support their business goals.